Saturday, October 1, 2016


With several unexpected things suddenly coming up, Stephen and I ended up needing to take our own engagements. This, however, was probably one of the best decisions we've made in regards to wedding stuff. It was really laid back and we knew we really only needed one to turn out for engagements, so we ended up having a lot of fun with it!

No judging because they're definitely not professional grade, but we hope you all enjoy some of the shots we liked most. Yay for tripods and a patient fiancé!

Come back soon to see the bridal session I took with a friend!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Abby - Called to Serve

One of the best girls I know has been called to serve and I couldn't be more excited for her! Abby has been a constant friend throughout the years and I know she will be a fantastic missionary. Arizona, you better get ready!

While I am currently living in Moab and working full time, coming to Logan to visit isn't always an easy task; but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take this girls pictures. It was the perfect evening (if you leave out the mosquitos) and I honestly can't pick a favorite picture.

Best wishes to you, Abby!

We had to mimic an image from her senior session.